Chromebook Keyboard Shortcuts

Published on by Jim Mendenhall

<%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'n'], 'Open a new browser window') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'shift', 'n'], 'Open a new browser window in incognito mode') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 't'], 'Open a new browser tab') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'o'], 'Open a file') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'w'], 'Close the current tab') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'shift', 'w'], 'Close the current window') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'shift', 't'], 'Reopen the last tab that was closed') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', '1'], 'Go to tab number (1-8)', '', ' (1 through 8)') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', '9'], 'Go to the last tab in current window') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'tab'], 'Go to the next tab') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'shift', 'tab'], 'Go to the previous tab') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'left'], 'Go to the pervious page in your browsing history') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'right'], 'Go to the next page in your browsing history') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl'], 'Open a link in a new tab in the background', 'Press ', ' and click a link') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'shift'], 'Open a link in a new tab and switch to that tab', 'Press ', ' and click a link') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['shift'], 'Open a link in a new window', 'Press ', ' and click a link') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'enter'], 'Open web address in a new tab', 'Type an address in the address bar and then press ', '') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['esc'], 'Return a tab to its original position (cancel dragging a tab)', 'Press ', ' while dragging a tab') %>

Browser windows

<%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'shift', 'q'], 'Sign out of Chrome OS', '' , ' (twice)') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', '1'], 'Activate items 1-8 on the shelf', '', ' (1 through 8)') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', '9'], 'Open last item on the shelf') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'tab'], 'Go to the next open window') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'shift', 'tab'], 'Go to the previous open window') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'left_bracket'], 'Dock a window on the left') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'right_bracket'], 'Dock a window on the right') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', 'l'], 'Lock the screen') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'shift', 's'], 'Open the status area') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['alt', 'shift', 'n'], 'Open notifications area') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'overview'], 'Take a screenshot of the whole screen') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['ctrl', 'shift', 'overview'], 'Take a screenshot of part of the screen by dragging to select area to capture') %>

Chrome OS

<%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '1'], 'F1') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '2'], 'F2') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '3'], 'F3') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '4'], 'F4') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '5'], 'F5') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '6'], 'F6') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '7'], 'F7') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '8'], 'F8') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '9'], 'F9') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', '0'], 'F10') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', 'dash'], 'F11') %> <%= chrome_key_combo_row(['search', 'equal'], 'F12') %>

F keys (F1 - F12)